Our church was started on April 18, 1839 by some people who believed God should be shared in a small town established in the middle of Michigan. The church has been alive ever since that first Sunday when they gathered in the local school house to begin to share God with a new settlement. Over the years the church has had great years and then “other” years. In 1995 after struggling for many years and having about 25 active attenders, the church took a chance. The church called a young family to come and help write a new end to the church’s story. Toby, Shelly, Jake & Cameron moved from Fort Worth, Texas to begin to write the next chapter in this old church.
Changing everything from the appearance of the church to the worship style and attitude, things began to grow. Since that October in 1995, the church has grown from 21 people to over 200 attending the church now. We have celebrated over 200 people accepting Christ and following in baptism. It has been a journey that has seen the church grow from trying to figure out how to stay open to a flourishing and giving community. It is amazing to see God continue to work in our community. We are dedicated to sharing God’s grace with each other, but especially with those who do not have a relationship with God. We clap and holler when someone is baptized. We celebrate every chance we get. The kids dance in the aisles to our worship and if we don’t laugh a lot and see God in a new way, then the week just didn’t go well. Our story is still being written on our hearts, so we invite you to come and add your story to ours and dance, laugh and celebrate God’s work in our hearts.